The Coolest Pot Luck Treat

Sedano’s and Publix Supermarkets Come Together for a Two Ingredient Frozen Treat

What I love about Orlando is the blend of cultures as experienced through food. For a unique, easy, crunchy, spicy, sweet, and cooling treat, I developed this two ingredient pot luck favorite. Take softened Sedano’s Mamey ice cream and spread between two Publix brand ginger snaps. The Publix brand has enough kick to stand up to the mellow mamey flavor. Wrap each one of these not so ordinary ice cream sandwiches in foil and freeze overnight.

Publix Supermarket Ginger Snaps are a Spicy Surprise

I find approximately 9 x 11 inch aluminum sheets cut in half are the perfect size. Three boxes of Publix ginger snaps will be needed for each container of ice cream. Transport in a small cooler for approximately 90 one treat servings.

Mix left over softened ice cream with crumbs and broken cookies right in the ice cream container and place back in the freezer for an instant family time dessert. This is easy enough to have your children help.